
Digital Freelance Artist

Welcome to my Carrd.
If you're considering commissioning me, this page should have all the information you need — as well as contact methods and terms.

NyuxiieSketchLineartFlat ColourFull Colour
Half Body39€48€56€60€
Full Body65€75€90€96€

Other pricing info

The above prices don't apply to chibis, emotes and illustrations meant for commercial purposes.Chibis and emotes can be bought in batches with special discounts shown below.

NyuxiiePrice x1Price x3Price x5Price x10

Terms of Service & Info

Please make sure to contact me before sending the payment and making sure that the work is okay with me.Payment is to be done through PayPal unless discussed otherwise beforehand.Full or half payment beforehand, there will be no test sketches.Revisions to the lineart after the phase is done will cost extra. To avoid this, I will always check with you multiple times while doing the sketch and lineart or whenever the client asks for them.Extra characters on the piece will cost at least 60% of the base price.Prices may differ from the price sheet depending on complexity, backgrounds, etc.No full refunds after sketching has begun, partial refunds to be based on my progress through the piece.My illustrations may not be used for commercial purposes without my consent and extra fees.I still hold my rights to the piece, I may post it to my social media, unless priorly discussed.You may not edit the piece, remove the watermark without my consent. Never claim the piece as your own.

I will draw: Feminine looking characters, NSFW, blood & slight gore, kemonomimi (animal ears) and simple furries.I will NOT draw: Hate art, heavily masculine characters, muscles, complex furries, elderly people, NSFW of anyone that is or looks underage.I hold the right to decline anything if I do not feel comfortable with it.